#1038 Winter Games: Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 Tante Crises 190.882
2 Bah Ne Biokip 172.161
3 Domoor Belt Nah U 154.509
4 Mie Kac Styl 152.218
5 Hars is Wit 92.133
6 Donder the Black Nosed 63.466
7 kilguy96 60.936
8 giofeyenoord 38.383
9 Hate in my heart 31.585
10 Flexibility 24.696
11 Comet the Yellow Nosed 23.915
12 Blood in my eyes 23.377
13 jellevr2 18.097
14 C-W-B 18.022
15 Love in my mind 12.731