#1254 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 .Little Recuse 287.481
2 The Human Centipede. 185.587
3 Illuminated 162.142
4 The Darkest Knights 161.843
5 BlackBull 161.407
6 -SpeedyGonzalez 152.248
7 Dung pottie 106.922
8 .Secrets Tactics 104.291
9 GoodToBeEvil 86.348
10 Mad God 85.531
11 GuessWho? 82.449
12 Kansloze Badboy 80.277
13 pim de tovie 71.946
14 robert197907 66.367
15 Snake99 60.218