#1504 NLS (Bash): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 Peutertje 13.004
2 Candice Swanepoel 11.057
3 GodParticle. 10.790
4 steven156 9.192
5 -Adullboy- 7.526
6 Xuzo Qra Ngote 5.988
7 goldey 5.516
8 Sytec 5.356
9 Buckminster 4.299
10 dragon of the north 4.163
11 Down Drowning 4.162
12 .Little Recuse 3.877
13 bowl 3.790
14 luigilouis 3.662
15 Speed Is In Control. 3.642