#4139 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 Hidde555 630.905
2 The Unstoppable Warrior. 369.575
3 The illu 326.626
4 Dalls 314.549
5 GewoonRyann 276.846
6 mittiebol 253.095
7 .ChefDiepvries 208.263
8 TimothyKech 202.539
9 Daann 195.658
10 Assassin Illuminator 178.091
11 arbo1 115.862
12 ASPHYXIA. 112.818
13 Mark1988s 102.951
14 RiRichardo 100.398
15 Lord cutCurtis 93.891