#887 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 .Lance Armstrong 48.649
2 .MolotoV 37.538
3 Quetzalcoatl. 25.995
4 coolwout 25.471
5 The Game of Conspiracy 22.210
6 Opem01 21.873
7 superguylian 19.479
8 B4sh1ngN00b 16.047
9 Go W@sted. 10.544
10 Illuminated 9.792
11 Dgh0st 9.715
12 Willow Sky Flyer 9.683
13 d4alicios 8.915
14 .München? 7.993
15 martijnkjr 6.860