#5189 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 Twitch.tv InnoSmurf 137.151.386
2 gigantadorp 20.153.511
3 rayret 18.053.631
4 cobra lord 15.995.329
5 Heer rodeostier 6.526.225
6 rikitan 6.069.339
7 The Bloody Butcher 4.713.581
8 Candice Swanepoel 1.533.683
9 Draco Warrior 1.197.474
10 Cut The Costs. 1.171.831
11 Winner22 1.025.379
12 farisebrahem 1.005.309
13 Underground Tacticz. 861.891
14 Roedie013 847.043
15 brigitte1 817.090