#5189 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 Twitch.tv InnoSmurf 131.107.350
2 cobra lord 12.907.498
3 gigantadorp 9.441.203
4 rayret 7.938.615
5 Heer rodeostier 5.504.759
6 The Bloody Butcher 3.940.463
7 Cut The Costs. 1.115.421
8 Roedie013 720.398
9 farisebrahem 582.796
10 jrenner 503.714
11 Candice Swanepoel 476.302
12 rikitan 455.911
13 HollywoodSkunk 364.660
14 Underground Tacticz. 305.158
15 julianB5 287.004