#6985 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 .RawR 67.724
2 Definitely Not High. 42.918
3 The game of conspiracy 29.501
4 LaCasaPapel 28.838
5 Da Shmeet 24.012
6 OwhPUS 18.442
7 marijnsr 12.777
8 BernedBotje2010 12.100
9 Mithrellas 11.830
10 henrihenri 9.457
11 Zyvoxid 7.200
12 driesbiljart 4.960
13 Godz BE 4.027
14 Castle-World 3.780
15 Immortal Dude 2.132