#6985 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 Definitely Not High. 30.644
2 OwhPUS 17.778
3 The game of conspiracy 16.454
4 BernedBotje2010 11.948
5 henrihenri 9.204
6 .RawR 7.502
7 Da Shmeet 7.125
8 The Cloud District 2.090
9 Immortal Dude 1.849
10 driesbiljart 1.802
11 Castle-World 1.769
12 LaCasaPapel 1.654
13 Zyvoxid 1.436
14 Mithrellas 1.103
15 kennyvdh1995 511