#6985 NLS (Speed): Speler verslagen tegenstanders

Rang Naam Verslagen
1 .RawR 60.222
2 Da Shmeet 16.481
3 The game of conspiracy 13.047
4 marijnsr 12.651
5 Definitely Not High. 12.274
6 Mithrellas 10.727
7 LaCasaPapel 7.320
8 Zyvoxid 5.764
9 Godz BE 3.834
10 driesbiljart 3.158
11 quint2110 2.048
12 Castle-World 2.011
13 de ridder of lord113 1.603
14 WhyIsTheRumAlwaysGone 1.506
15 aso046 1.443